The Mir Business Group, which includes Mir Business Bank, Mir Business Club and Miras, took part in the forum «Russia-the Islamic World: Kazan Forum 2023», which was held in Kazan on May 18-19. The Mir Business Group includes: Mir Business Bank, which is a subsidiary of Melli Iran Bank and provides banking services to clients in Russia, Mir Business Club, which provides consulting and support services to its members and partners, and Miras, which provides products and services in the field of Islamic finance. The pavilion of the Mir Business Group was visited by officials and representatives from Russia, Iran and other countries, including representatives of the SАM of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Joint Iranian-Russian Chamber of Commerce of Iran, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iran and others.
Participation in the forum was an important step for Miras Company in business development, because we strive to provide high-quality and competitive financial products for all our clients, including the Muslim audience. Participation in the forum «Russia-Islamic World» allowed the company to get acquainted with the needs of this category of clients and offer them the most suitable financial solutions.
The forum «Russia-the Islamic World: Kazan Forum 2023» discussed the development of economic and cultural ties between Russia and the countries of the Islamic world. The event was attended by representatives of government and business structures, as well as experts and public figures.
The participation of the Miras financial company in the forum underlines its desire to develop in the field of Islamic financial services, as well as to expand the geography of its activities.